Vinzenz Reinhardt is an interaction designer and media artist.
His work investigates the intersection of art, technology and design.

2017 kinetic light installation

Within the realm of arts, moving elements are a relatively novel aesthetic component. Contemporary kinetic installations distinguish themselves profoundly from traditional forms of art, as they allow for a dynamic behaviour and means of expression. Moreover, the movement is an incredibly important factor when it comes to the perception and recognition of living entities. By implication, it seems like movements animate art in the truest sense of the word.

LYS is a kinetic light installation that utilises movement to allure its audience. The wave-shaping behaviour and transition between different modes of complexity and design invite to contemplate and mesmerise. Approaching visitors cause LYS to oscillate slowly to singal LYS is responding. Those oscillations start to intensify if the visitor is coming closer. As soon as one is close enough, LYS will rise and bend over the head of the visitor to allow passage through the installation.

LYS' modular construction consists of 45 LED tubes, 90 connectors, 50 stepper motors with a winding mechanism and lots of copper cable. Early prototypes with static animations were based on an Arduino. Later iterations switched to ESP8266 microcontrollers to reduce cable requirements and comfortably send data over wifi. LYS' behaviour was defined and programmed using openFrameworks.

LYS is a collaborative project with Dennis Boleslawski, Alexander Henker, Christian Tielmann, Volker Matthes and me. Together, we've built, raised sponsors, collected necessary equipment abd utilities to complete this project. Best wishes to Merck Group who both motivated and supported us financially.